The Hinterlands Saga

This year I decided to embark on a fun writing & publishing venture. I’m planning and hoping to blog a novel chapter-by-chapter. The novel is called The Howling Wind and it’s the first of a three book trilogy called The Hinterlands. (Check out the blog here).

So what exactly is this story all about? Here’s a brief write-up on the series. It’s still deliberately vague but that’s for a reason.

One hope is that it will be fun for readers to discover WHAT exactly this story is all about as they read. The story is the most plotted and outlined work of fiction I’ve ever done. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Who knows. But there are no expectations for this other than trying to make sure I finish it by the end of the year! Let’s see what happens.

By Travis Thrasher
The world is breaking and so are those we’re about to meet.
The time is the not-so-distant future. Natural disasters have begun wreaking havoc to our planet and especially to our beloved country.
A group of souls are about to be stranded and then connected. But why? For what reason?
Each of them is an important piece in this broken puzzle. But what will the picture look like when it is finally filled?
Every day we see some kind of new horror come out of nowhere. Every day we find a little more darkness seeping into this world of ours.
What if that darkness refused to die, and what if the light seemed to finally be extinguished?
This is a story about the light and the darkness. About the broken pieces of the puzzle. About our place in this mysterious story of mankind.
Can that light truly swallow up the darkness?
Can that light truly shine in the pit black of night?
And can we–whoever we might be and wherever we’ve come from—be seen and known and eventually shine?