Trinity Christian College Interim #4

Just completed my fourth interim class on writing fiction at my alma mater, Trinity Christian College. I had a full class of twenty students this time. One of the things we do is to collectively come up with a story idea and then make a story map based on that (since we don’t have time to actually write a whole novel).

The story idea this time was quite intriguing. I told the class I’d love to one day try to write the idea, but then again I have plenty of other pressing ideas. I thought I’d share the premise on my blog.
Our novel is called Sara.
Sara asks this question: What if you discovered the woman cheating with the love of your life was actually you? In this mind-bending thriller, two seemingly different women narrate their tragic love triangle only to find out they are one and the same. At first what appears to be two distinct voices detailing their tragic collision ends up turning into a story about a woman in a downward spiral of obsession and secrets.
This is taking the whole idea of an unreliable narrator to a whole other level.