10 Years And . . .

Today is the ten year anniversary of the publication of my first novel, The Promise Remains. It’s also the official release date of my fifteenth published book, Solitary.

I was going to write out some lengthy, pithy blog about the next ten years and all that. But I decided against that.
To be honest, I’m too tired. And, after looking at my goals for the next ten years, I’m a bit scared.
All I can say is that I’m thankful to still be doing this ten years later. It’s one of the few things in this world I can make sense of. And one of the few things I feel I can do well.
For those who have been a part of this writing journey: thanks.


  1. Congratulations! May the Lord bless you with many, many more years of sharing your stories with us!

  2. I am glad to be a part of the journey now and for a looooooooooooong time in the future.

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