If I Do Say So Myself

So I just finished going through the copyedits for my upcoming teen novel, Solitary. And I gotta say this . . .

This book rocks.
I’m biased and that’s okay. But I really think this is a cool first installment in a four-book series. I can’t say how I’ll do on the remaining books, but I think I did a pretty awesome job on this one.


  1. I am very much looking forward to Solitary, which I will buy in printed form (rather thyan e-book) so that my 15-yo son and I can both read it. If you say it's good, I believe you.

    I look forward to some photos and thoughts about your new office writing space–very interesting choice to get an office 5 minutes from home (good for you for not making it further away and inaccessible). I assume you have 24/7 access to it. Sort of like a gymnasium; working out at home is great, but to really push, we head to the gym. I assume it's that sort of process. For us budding authors, as you know, the process of writing from a prolific writer is as intiguing as the writing itself. Does Travis have a window overlooking a pond? Is there a place to walk for coffee, grub or a little human contact? Or is it an isolated loft in a warehouse district, with only the scampering of rodents to distract from your creating the macabre? Hmmm.

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