My Organizational Process (Tip #32)

Here’s the process of what I do with ideas that come to me. The above shot is a picture from my writing notebook that I kept in 2002. This was the first year I officially started to keep a notebook–this was a small spiral bound notebook where I kept story ideas, goals and deadlines, and anything writing related. 

The above note was a story idea I had that ended up becoming my novel, Isolation, published in 2007. 

Here are the spiral bound notebooks dating from 2002-2008. I keep the 2009 with me most of the time. I still refer back to these notebooks from time to time. I keep them on the shelf behind my desk.

As I work on a project, I’ll have a folder out on my desk for easy access. These are the three on my desk now.
I’m not the most organized guy in the world, but I do force myself to be organized with ideas. I make sure I ALWAYS write an idea down. Sometimes the idea is ridiculous. Sometimes (as shown above) the idea written down might end up becoming a published work. You never know. 
Do whatever works for you, but do something to keep organized. Do whatever it takes to plant your rear in that chair and get writing. This is what it takes for me. 


  1. Travis,

    You actually encouraged me to be more organized with my ideas, thus putting them into a notebook. Until then it was a napkin here a scrap of paper there. I might have missed out on a bestseller on the back of an envelope if I hadn't started my fancy new 2009 idea book! Thanks!

  2. I spy, with my little eye…can it be…To Kill A Mockingbird?? Harper Lee…??

  3. Thanks for the organization tips! I was just looking around in the office this morning wondering how I was going to keep everything together. Keeping the area clear is like keeping one's mind clear.

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