Side Job

So winter is really upon us. And once again (just like last year), I’m beginning to feel a little stir crazy. Being a full-time writer in the Chicagoland area will do that to you. A trip to the local Wal-Mart is even exciting. So it got me thinking . . . maybe I can get a side job as one of those greeters. ‘Cause you know–all work and no play makes Jack a—you know the rest . . . 


  1. That looks like a photo of a young Jack Nicholson — sounds like an idea for a horror story — something like The Shining meets Wal-Mart.

  2. And I thought Wal-Mart’s sales were negatively affected by the economy! The guy’s warm let-me-cut-your-throat look says it all.

    Travis, I think you might be better cast in a Jack of Jack-in-the-Box role. Do you have that fine fast-food chain in Chicagoland? Great TV commercials!

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