Iron Man

Okay, so I was a little late to the party. About six months late, but hey–give me a break. I’ve been busy. 

Just saw this tonight and loved it. It was another good comic-book movie. The thing that made this above average was Robert Downey Jr. Remember the last Superman movie? Can you name the actor in it? Bet you can’t. Robert Downey Jr. was perfect in this role and really truly made it his own. I enjoyed this more than pretty much any other comic movie of recent days (I’m not counting the recent Batman movies because they’re in a whole other league). 
They said they’re rushing to make a sequel ($$$$$$$$$$). I’ll be glad to see it. Next time, maybe Gwyneth Paltrow’s hubby can provide an awesome tune for the soundtrack. “IRON LOVE by Coldplay”! Perhaps that’s just the Corona talking. 


  1. Still haven’t seen this myself either.

    New Superman (which I haven’t seen) was named Brandon Routh, but I’m a film nerd… so point taken.

    I’ve heard good things about Iron Man, but it could never top The Rocketeer, which was the original “flying man w/ funny helmet” movie. May the genre live forever!

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