Artist I Love

I admire artists who grow and evolve. Chris Cornell, a member of Soundgarten (one of the great grunge groups from the early 90’s) among other groups, is coming out with a solo album producted by Timbaland. So instead of sounding like Led Zeppelin, his new sound echoes Justin Timberlake. Some diehard fans are screaming in protest. 

I love this quote from Cornell:
“If you get into a kind of comfortable corner, where you’re doing what you’re used to — you’re doing what you know how to do — you can get locked in that corner and stuck there and you’re done. That’s never going to happen to me.” 
I actually love the new stuff I’ve heard. But more than that, I applaud this artist for taking a chance and getting out of that comfortable corner. I see actors, directors, and musicians do this more and more, but I don’t see many authors do this. Because readers want to know what they’re getting. 
But that doesn’t stop me. I don’t like boxes and I don’t like corners. And I hate getting stuck. So I venture into new territory. And I love seeing others doing the same. Regardless how big of a box or corner they might have for themselves.